For Ultimate Transformation and Have It graduates only, I will be offering a 5-day live online retreat to deeply connect with one another in Freedom with bliss beyond words.

July 7th – 11th, 2025
10 AM to 4 PM (Central)
Space is limited, so please be sure to sign up as soon as you can commit.
Click below to put your name on the list. You will be notified six weeks before the retreat begins.
The course is regularly $747, but if you register before July 1st, it will be discounted to $697.
Being on an online retreat with Diane takes me to the same place as being in an ashram with an Enlightened Master. Be prepared to fly high and go deep.
Who is this guy “Michael” who is “meditating” and loving it? He is the same Michael who thought chakras were not helpful and that meditation was an excuse to move away from my feelings.
Until Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, it had been a very, very long time since I had felt “deep peace.”
I loved it and wanted more.
My resistance to and rejection of Presence, of Freedom is on the way out. Like you say, they’re just feelings, and so what if they feel true, I’ve decided to let them go. Besides, any self-respecting, lion-headed man can be with any feeling!
I am very grateful for our retreat this week, and your clarity and wisdom that has led the way.
Thank you with all my heart.
I’ve been on a journey for nearly 4 decades of learning, testing, implementing and applying tools and techniques to assist my growth at the highest levels (whilst on this planet and during this lifetime).
I was compelled to take all of this year’s courses that you’ve offered so far, which has massively catapulted my spiritual growth & expanded my maturation process.
Working together is wonderfully inspirational however, more importantly, it is Truly Transformational.
All aspects & levels of my growth have deepened & magnified…
Clarity – whether in the discrimination or decision-making process, acceptance and the ease of grace, allows for a relaxation & peacefulness to be naturally experienced more often than I thought I would ever come to realize.
My experience in your classes has allowed me to recognize the Clarity of Freedom is always available & present upon my willingness to recognize & turn towards it in any given moment and under any circumstance. It has given me the practice needed to build my skills and it just keeps getting easier. Everything really does get better.
Having full-heartedly attended & participated in your beautiful, thoughtful, proven-to-work & clarifying courses, I so appreciate the earnestness of the individuals who are also participating and how we all assist one another.
Your teaching is clear, direct, gentle, yet firmly established in deep wisdom that has obviously been gained by marinating in direct experience over time. I feel safe in a process which is time-tested, safe & true.
I deeply align with the integrity and clarity that is offered through your warm, graceful teachings and am ready to leap into the next round of classes being offered.
Before the course, having all my dreams and goals felt impossible. Now I know I can have them, however ambitious they may be. That’s a big shift. Beyond even that, my consciousness expanded beyond limitation to include the aliveness of this moment where all potential is possible. That’s a lot.
PS: Diane is a true Goddess of Freedom ❤️
The Realized Release™ Retreat
Please provide your name and email below. You will be sent the official registration link six weeks before the retreat begins.